
Researching Photography - Nobuhiro Fukui

2008年、調文明の提案により始まったResearching Photographyですが、今回はゲストに福居伸宏さんを迎え、今年8月に行われた個展『Asterism』(Tomio Koyama Gallery)に関する制作および展示を中心に、幅広い活動についてお聞きしたいと考えております。(良知暁)

「Researching Photography - Nobuhiro Fukui」
会場:赤城生涯学習館教養室A (http://www.regasu-shinjuku.or.jp/?p=649)
 ※ 開催日当日の予約にはご対応出来ませんので、予めご了承ください。

2004年から1年間、写真家金村修のワークショップに参加。主な個展に『Asterism』(2010, Tomio Koyama Gallery)、『Juxtaposition』(2008, Tomio Koyama Gallery)、グループ展に『DOUBLE VISION』(2010, トーキョーワンダーサイト)や『NO MAN'S LAND』(2009-10, フランス大使館, 旧館)がある。2008年The BMW Paris Photo Prize審査員賞受賞。
ウェブサイト:Every Sunday Nobuhiro Fukui  ブログ:Übungsplatz(練習場)

image credit: installation view of Nobuhiro Fukui at Tomio Koyama Gallery, 2010, (c) Nobuhiro Fukui, courtesy: Tomio Koyama Gallery

Researching Photogrpahy - Nobuhiro Fukui

Researching Photogrpahy - Nobuhiro Fukui

Guest: Nobuhiro Fukui
Date: 2010.12.5
Time: 18:00 -
Place: Akagi Study Centre, Tokyo (detail)
Language: Japanese only

Researching Photography is pleased to invite a photographer, Nobuhiro Fukui to discuss his works. In this talk, we will focus on his approach to exhibitions including the recent exhibition, Asterism, which held at Tomio Koyama Koyama in this August.

Nobuhiro Fukui was born in 1972, Tokushima, Japan. He moved Tokyo to study Economics before he started to make his work. In 2004, He participated in the Photography Workshop by Osamu Kanemura, who is one of the leading photographers in Japan. Since then, he has held several solo shows and group shows both in Japan and overseas. In 2008, he won The BMW Photo Prize 2008, 'Mention speciale du jury(Jury distinction).'
website: Every Sunday
Tomio Koyama Gallery: http://www.tomiokoyamagallery.com/artists_en/fukui-n_en/

image credit: installation view of Nobuhiro Fukui at Tomio Koyama Gallery, 2010, (c) Nobuhiro Fukui, courtesy: Tomio Koyama Gallery